Theme: Pets!
Introduction Song: Open Shut Them
Open, shut them,
Open, shut them
Give a little clap, clap, clap
Open, shut them, open, shut them
Lay them in your lap, lap, lap
Creepy crawly, creepy crawly,
Right up to your chin, chin, chin
Open up your little mouth
But do not let them in, in in
Book #1 - Please Take Me For a Walk by Susan Gal
5 Happy Puppies (Flannel board)
Five happy puppies were playing in the sun.
This one saw a rabbit, and he began to run.
Four curious puppies were playing in the sun.
This one saw a butterfly, and he began to race.
Three excited puppies, playing in the sun.
This one saw an orange cat, and he began to chase.
Two bored puppies were lying in the sun.
This one tried to catch his tail, and he went round and round.
One lonely puppy, sitting all alone.
He was so quiet, he never made a sound.
Source: Johnson County Library
Book #2 Fur by Jan Mark
kitty-cat, turn around
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, touch the ground
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, paws up high
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, wink one eye
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, touch your nose
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, touch your toes
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, slap your knees
Kitty-cat, kitty-cat, sit down please
Song: Old Gray Cat -- Track #10 on Start Smart Songs for 1's, 2's, and 3's
Book #3 Pet Shop Lullaby by Mary Ann Fraser
Song: Hop Like a Bunny by William Janiak
Book #4 I Am Running Away Today by Lisa Desimini
If You’re a Pet
If you’re a dog and you know it, give a bark – woof-woof!
If you’re a dog and you know it, give a bark – woof- woof!
If you’re a dog and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a dog and you know it, give a bark – woof-woof!
If you’re a kitty and you know
it, say meow – meow-meow!
If you’re a kitty and you know it, say meow – meow-meow!
If you’re a kitty and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a kitty and you know it, say meow, – meow-meow!
If you’re a fishy and you know it, swim around – glub-glub!
If you’re a fishy and you know it, swim around – glub-glub!
If you’re a fishy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a fishy and you know it, swim around – glub-glub!
If you’re a birdy and you know it, fly around – tweet-tweet!
If you’re a birdy and you know it, fly around – tweet-tweet!
If you’re a birdy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a birdy and you know it, fly around – tweet-tweet!
Source: Brighton Memorial Library
Song with Shakers: Jim Gill - Shakin' Everywhere
kids love this song! Jim Gill tells kids to start shaking from their head to their toes, starting with shaking their hair. It's a lot of fun and one I use often in storytime.
Closing Song (to tune of the Mulberry Bush)
This is the way our hands say goodbye
With a clap clap-clap
Clap, clap-clap.
This is the way our hands say goodbye
With a clap, clap-clap ,clap-clap.
This is the way our knees say goodbye
With a tap tap-tap.
Tap tap-tap.
This is the way our knees say goodbye
With a tap tap-tap, tap-tap.
This is the way we wave goodbye
Wave goodbye, wave goodbye
This is the way we wave goodbye
Goodbye until next time.